Saturday, January 21, 2017

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Sorry about the lack of updates recently! (Although if anyone knows this blog, they'll also know that I tend to update sporadically, haha...) It's been a long winter season (and we've just started!) and I've found myself too busy lately to go on the computer (is this the 21st century or isn't it?? I spent over four days in a row without touching my computer, getting everything off my phone...), so this is still going to be a short post because I need to get back into this!

Here's hoping everyone had a happy holiday season and that 2017's going to be a great year! (Let's not... talk... other things.)

I've mostly been going to really snowy / icy areas in Second Life lately half because it really has been snowing a lot in real life for me, and half because of my unholy obsession with Yuri on Ice lately (and SL really needs some beautiful skating outfits; I'd practically kill for them), so I've been looking around a lot of areas that include ice skating.

The pictures in this post (and this isn't a fashion post, so oops?) are taken in two separate areas, one with an actual ice rink (not to mention a heck tonne of snow), and the other in a little cabin more dedicated for quiet reading and writing than anything else (because I'm always looking for more places like that).

The middle two pictures are taken at the [ arts & letters ] literary salon, which is a beautiful little place that allows voice for discussion and reading. No, it doesn't have an ice rink, but it's currently sweet and snowy there for a very peaceful atmosphere. The other area (with ice rink!), is Nouvelles Aventures, which... well, I haven't actually managed to explore this whole place yet because the ENTIRE area is super photogenic and it's very very large so that allows for a crazy amount of beautiful pictures.

I'll probably go through a few more snowy areas before the season is out (and pray that I find more beautiful skating outfits-- c'mon, guys, nothing wrong with a little rhinestone and bedazzlement!), so look forward to that! 

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