And what does October mean? That's right: Halloween! I know I consider the entire month to be a showcase for Halloween, so we're going to start with a demonic outfit (haha, funny since I usually go for angelic stuffs...) that I managed to put together yesterday!
Taken at HAUNTED, where they have many different backdrops for all your Halloween needs, I decided on the darker pirate graveyard rather than the brightness of a carnival it was situated next to. I think it's going to be a lot of fun finding the spooky places on Second Life this month again!

Go fight zombies and explore haunted houses and get cursed and run through mazes with friends screaming your heads off... I'll let you in on a secret: it's just as fun to go on SL voice and start screaming when monsters coming chasing after you as it is in real life when you hit your face against a glass wall you thought was perhaps a doorway. Well, maybe more fun this way for the people who are too scared to actually go out and do things like that.
Shamera is wearing:
.::[HTxDZ]::. Maleficent's Crown – (old hunt item, now $50)
Sweets! Faun horns, ears, hoofs, tail – dollarbie
^;^CaTwA^;^ Hoshi Hair – ($250)
{KS} Cthulhu gasmask -- now $75
{dollle*} Bloody Bandages – Free Group Gift
.::Kre-ations::. Black and Red Katana – dollarbie
Utilizator Fishnets + Gloves – ($100 each)
Tactical Leg Holster – Free at Marketplace
F.E. // Demon Wings – Free at Marketplace
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